Is retirement planning through property possible?

Retirement planning is something that everyone should do but no one does. 

Especially when Singapore is ranked as the world’s most expensive city for the fifth year in a row, based on a report by The Economist Intelligence Unit.

The Government is also worried about the retirement of Singaporeans and that is why they came up with the CPF LIFE (Lifelong Income For The Elderly) Scheme.

However, not everyone will be able to meet the BRS* (Basic Retirement Sum) requirement. 

For those who do meet the BRS, the monthly payout may not be sufficient to sustain your desired retirement lifestyle.

*BRS is $90,500 if you are turning 55 in 2020 and it increases every year.

Now imagine that you are 35 years old, does it matter which choice you make?

an infographic showing different retirement plan between 2 couples



For most Singaporeans, the biggest asset we have is our home.

Knowing that a home might not just be a roof over your head but also an appreciating asset is something possible.

Should you decide to do something with your Penrose condo, it is advisable to speak to a professional real estate agent to know what you can afford. 

It is essential to know what you can afford to avoid over-leverage by purchasing a property that’s way beyond your financial means.

Are you a first time home buyer? Then this comprehensive guide is for you!

Are you looking for a real estate agent? Contact me @ 9762 1726 or email to


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. When can I sell my flat?

You can only sell your flat upon reaching the MOP. 

MOP (Minimum Occupation Period) refers to the 5 years period that you are not allowed to sell your HDB flat

MOP is calculated from the date that you collected your keys to your flat

You can check your HDB flat MOP date by logging into My HDBPage using your SingPass, followed by > My Flat > Purchased Flat > Flat Details.

Below is an example of how it looks like:

screenshot of purchased hdb flat details from hdb website


2. How do I calculate the sales proceeds of my HDB flat?

First, you need to find out what is the estimated selling price of your HDB flat

Secondly, you need to know what is your outstanding HDB/Bank loan. 

Thirdly, you need to check how much CPF principal you and your spouse have used for your flat plus accrued interest.

Next, you will need to include legal fee and any agent fee if you have engaged a real estate agent to assist in the sales of your house.

Take the estimated selling price and deduct the outstanding loan, CPF principal + accrued interest, legal fee and agent fee if there is any.

The remaining amount will be your cash proceed.

example of how to calculate the sales proceed of hdb flat

Readmore: Is HDB BTO flat just a roof over your head for your family?